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As an Indian American Mother Who Values Democracy and Freedom, I Support Kamala Harris for President

As an Indian American Mother Who Values Democracy and Freedom, I Support Kamala Harris for President

  • And, it is time to stop mangling and distorting our Vice President’s name. Some are slow learners but if 31/2 years has not been enough, I will settle for President Harris.

Kamala Harris has not been a familiar figure to most of us. Her role as Vice President has been underestimated and her work is often dismissed. With a little more than two months to the finish line, Democrats face the challenge of getting to know their candidate while simultaneously galvanizing their machinery towards a momentum that should already be at this stage of the election. The party has united behind Kamala and given her its resounding endorsement to inspire the requisite confidence. 

The convention was well orchestrated to uphold democracy, patriotism, unity, hope, and optimism. The lineup of speakers was brilliant — there was someone and something in their messages for everyone. Most speeches were energizing, some, electrifying. The enthusiasm in the audience was palpable. 

I now have a better idea about Kamala Harris from her biography, and from those who have known her and worked with her. The bi-racial, middle-class, hard-working, raised by a single mother, a product of divorce are facets of her life, relatable to the diverse audience she addresses. Her track record as District Attorney, Attorney General, and Senator speaks of her dedication to people, regardless of ethnicity, color, race, or gender. 

With the choice of Tim Walz as her running mate, Kamala has filled all possible gaps in the candidacy — a middle-class father with strong family values, white male, gun owner, coach, veteran, and teacher. We got to know him as genuine, compassionate, and committed- in keeping with the overall theme. Together, they will make a trustworthy and effective team.

Kamala delivered her speech with calm confidence and clarity. She was articulate and poised. She spoke of her family and the work she did before moving to Washington, D.C. She spoke of her work as Vice president, her role in border security and foreign affairs, and the recent events in Ukraine and the Middle East. She spoke of Israel’s right to defend itself as well as of the devastation, pain, and suffering in Gaza. Her tone was tough and firm, her words had heft. 

The convention was stacked with those already convinced — she had to strategize to convert the undecideds and to win over the swing states. She has been given, as she said, ”a chance to chart a new way forward, not as members of any one party or faction, but as Americans.” She has to convince all of America of her intent, that she is the agent of change and is the best person to lead the world’s most powerful nation. 

Kamala Harris is still inextricably tied to the current administration. Will she be able to distance herself from President Biden? She will face many uncomfortable questions and should have more than a cursory knowledge about important issues such as the economy, inflation, jobs, immigration, environment, war, and much more. She has to underline clear policies and plans to be credible.

The applause was deafening and the energy in the convention was infectious. There was happiness and hope. There is an overwhelming influx of volunteers. The younger generation is excited. Even Republicans are endorsing her with their “Republicans for Harris” group. There is a debate to prep for, interviews to be given and vigorous campaigning to be done. 

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As an Indian American mother, and as one who values democracy and freedom, I share Kamala’s values, I have faith in her. However, I also believe that she needs more than our endorsements — she needs to be prepared and move fast enough to counter the Republicans who have a seasoned candidate and have had plenty of prep time. It is time to swing into action to enable and ensure her victory. 

And, it is time to stop mangling and distorting our Vice President’s name. Some are slow learners but if 31/2 years has not been enough, I will settle for President Harris — it does have a nice ring to it! 

Padmavathi Balasubramanian, aka Meera Balasubramanian, graduated from Delhi University with a Master’s in Business Economics and from the Asian Institute of Management, Manila with a Master’s in Business Management. She currently resides in Bethesda, Maryland.

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