Why My Mother Braved Flash Floods, Rain and Fog to Cast Her Vote: To Safeguard My Freedom and My Choice

My mother came home late. She said she went to vote. I was mad at…

Microaggressions: Why I Ask My Berkeley Friends to Conceal Their White Savior Complex

It’s the first principle of writing that I have abided by ever since I was…

I Faced Discrimination as a Hindu. Anti-Hindu Bias Exists. But it Does Not Equal Persecution

The recent string of attacks against Indians in the United States has been chilling, giving…

Bollywood v K-pop: The Yearning Gap in Cultural Connection Between Young South Asian and East Asian Americans

The term Asian Americans is so generic that it glosses over dozens of distinct ethnicities…

Stuck Between a Rock and a Hard Place: The Taliban’s Complicated Relationship With Jihadists

Ayman Al-Zawahiri was killed in Afghanistan recently. Zawahiri was notorious for his role in Al-Qaeda…

The Other Side of Bigotry: An American Hindu’s Perspective on Isabel Wilkerson’s ‘Caste’

In her book “Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents,” Isabel Wilkerson explores the legacy of…

Why I Tell the Stories I Tell: I Prefer Adventures of the Pandavas and Pranks of Krishna to Cinderella and Snow White

About a year ago, I started a podcast called Ganesha’s Tusk, which is hosted by the…

A Home in Mysore: How a Nonprofit Organization in India Inspired Me to Teach Disadvantaged Children

For several people, thirteen is a number, just like twelve, twenty, eighty, and one. However,…

Gotabaya’s Long Goodbye: India Along With QUAD Must Come to the Rescue of Sri Lanka in Dire Straits

After months of protests, Sri Lanka’s President, Gotabaya Rajapaksha, has resigned from office. Many Sri…

Caste has no Religious Connection and Hence Shouldn’t be Associated With Hindu Dharma

On June 23, a Hindu Awareness Workshop was made available to all Carmel Clay Schools…

Ending Racism and Casteism: Is Isabel Wilkerson Right to Say a Fresh Coat of Paint Won’t Do, the House Needs to Be Torn Down?

Glancing across the New York Times one morning, a headline covering the humanitarian crisis in…

Twisting an Otherwise Colorful and Diverse Hindu Culture Into Something Much More Malevolent was Fairly Easy

When I walked into class just a few weeks ago, I was taught that my…