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Vivek Ramaswamy to Host Multi-part Roundtable Series on Fox Nation Streaming Service 

Vivek Ramaswamy to Host Multi-part Roundtable Series on Fox Nation Streaming Service 

  • Titled ‘Truths with Vivek Ramaswamy,” the former GOP presidential candidate aims to offer “a positive alternative to the left’s vision for the future” by discussing several pressing issues.

Trump ally and former GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy is heading to Fox News. The Indian American entrepreneur has signed on to host a new series for the Fox Nation streaming service. Titled “Truths with Vivek Ramaswamy,” the multi-part roundtable series will “offer ideas conservatives must embrace to challenge the leftist vision synonymous with the Biden-Harris administration,” the network announced today. The show will debut on Sept. 22, and will also run on Fox News that evening at 10 p.m.

Ramaswamy aims to depict “a positive alternative to the left’s vision for the future” by discussing issues such as American national identity, the ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and Israel and the protests on US college campuses, and religion, among others.

“We are excited to launch this new series showcasing Mr. Ramaswamy’s thoughtful and unique perspective on the state of American politics after his meteoric rise over the last year,” Fox Nation President Lauren Petterson said. 

The panel will include Apoorva Ramaswamy, the host’s wife; Matt Taibbi, a journalist; American theoretical physicist Steven Koonin; Ben Zimmer, CEO of Priovant Therapeutics; and Rabbi Shmully Hecht.

In a statement, Ramaswamy said that the show will feature “provocative dinner table conversations that we rarely have in our country anymore.” “Today conservatives know what we’re against. But what exactly do we stand for? To answer that question, we need to talk to every American, not just those who agree with us,” he said. “That’s the subject of my new book ‘Truths: The Future of America-First,’ and I enjoyed partnering with Fox Nation to host provocative dinner table conversations that we rarely have in our country anymore.” 

In a lead to the premiere, Fox Nation will release “Just Ask: Vivek Ramaswamy,” on Sept. 20, in which Ramaswamy will also take questions from audience members at a one-hour forum filmed in Philadelphia, “with nothing off the table,” according to the Fox announcement. The forum will be moderated by Fox & Friends Weekend co-host and FOX Nation personality Pete Hegseth.

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Earlier in May, Ramaswamy acquired a 7.7% stake in BuzzFeed, making the struggling media company’s shares gain bout 20 percent. According to the filing, he said he wanted to be an “activist investor with plans to shake up the company, including a shift in strategy. The shares were acquired with his own funds, the filing added.

Amid the controversy surrounding comments made by Trump and his runningm mate JD Vance about Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio, Ramaswamy announced today on Twitter that he was visiting the city on Thursday, Sept. 19. He said he hopes to have  “a town hall with local residents, not to stoke more controversy but to have open & honest dialogue about mass migration.” He also announced that he’d “like to make a charitable donation to help support the community, and I welcome suggestions this week on which organization is doing the best work locally.”

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