Chicago-based Human Rights Group Compares Hindutva Forces to Nazis and Fascists of Europe
- The organization's report titled “The Nazification of India” draws parallels between 12 different mechanisms of hate and persecution from the Nazi playbook, and how they are being implemented in India today.
India, the largest democracy in the world has become the weakest at the hands of the fascist Hindutva ideology, a report released by Justice for All, a Chicago-based human rights organization alleges. Titled “The Nazification of India,” the report compares how Hindutva ideology is not only inspired by Nazis and Fascists of Europe, but their treatment of the Muslim minority closely follows developments that resulted in pushing Jews to the gas chambers.
The report was released on Feb. 28 at a Congressional briefing “to mark the anniversary of the Gujarat pogroms of 2002 against Muslims which propelled the BJP-RSS regime to control India,” according to a press release issued by Justice for All. “India today is ruled not just by a political party the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), but its mother organization the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS),” the report notes, explaining the reasons behind the term “the BJP-RSS regime,” to “reflect their intrinsic links and collaborative relationship.”
Speaking at the Congressional briefing, Hena Zuberi of Justice for All explained the reasons behind some terms used in the report, like “The BJP-RSS regime,” and “The BJP-RSS machine.” These terms “reflect the intrinsic links and collaborative relationship between the gas chambers, hate, othering, and boycotts of Jews, ghettoization, and pogroms.” Concluding her talk, she said “… India has no choice but to partner with the USA against China but we in the United States do have a choice to prevent genocide in India.”
The report draws parallels on twelve different mechanisms of hate and persecution from the Nazi playbook, and how they are being implemented in the India of today, the press release said. “The fact that these parallels are seen is not a surprise since the early leaders of the RSS openly declared that the Nazi model was a good one for India to adopt. And recently, Hitler’s popularity has grown widely in the country.”
The report also explores how Narendra Modi not only got away with facilitating a pogrom but was also elected the Prime Minister of India — twice. It further notes that “while Modi’s fortunes continue to rise in India, India’s positioning around the world continues to fall.”
Authors of the report cite the Freedom House, which “downgraded” India in 2021 to “partially free,” as well as the Economist Intelligence Unit’s Democracy Index that placed the world’s largest democracy in the category of “Flawed Democracy.”It also mentions Reporters Without Borders, which, in 2022 placed India “among the worst countries in terms of media freedom, ranking it 150th out of 180 countries.”
I understand that American Kahani has no obligation to be fair and balanced, but this piece, the title and the photo are needlessly provocative. Hinduphobia has traditionally been subtle and insidious, which is why it’s been so effective in the American discourse. It looks like the editors have decided “subtlety be damned!” I’ve appreciated this platform for having varied voices from the diaspora, but seeing a piece like this from staff writers makes the publication’s beliefs so obvious that AK starts to lose its charm. Please do better.
You will have to be a Muslim in India to understand this.
When will this “Genocide” in India take place? We have been hearing about the impending “Genocide” in India from 2014 onwards. How come all these South Asian Justice groups focus only on India/Hindu/Modi/BJP/RSS? Why are they silent on the repression of Women’s rights in Afghanistan? Why don’t they talk to Congress about Pakistan being a terrorist state? Or why don’t they publish a report on the Uyghur Muslim concentration camps organized by the Communist Party of China?
Thank you to the American Kahani team for highlighting this incredibly detailed and thorough report on the brainwashing of all Indians in the Hindutva ideology. I don’t think any other would have the guts to highlight this important piece from Indian American Muslim Council (IAMC). I know you had to hide the name of IAMC from your report so that non-Hindus would take it seriously. It is a small price to pay in terms of your publication’s integrity for the larger good of dismantling the Hindutva ideology from America. I would love to contribute financially to your anti-Hindutva efforts! How can I do that?
What’s interesting is that there is apparently a genocide of Muslims in india yet Muslims are openly speaking out against this propaganda (aisha malik, amana begum, khalid baig, javed baig). And despite being a so-called terrified minority, they protested on the streets saying the only punishment for blasphemy is beheading after 6 Hindus were murdered for a perceived slight of a politician.
If AK wants to publish such hit pieces, I hope they’re ready to publish my take on the series of incidents across India where Hindus have been persecuted and gaslight after their persecution.
Alternatively you could leave Indian politics TO THE INDIANS rather than exporting it here.
This is not about politics. Its about human rights. According to Elie Wiesel , Nobel Peace Prize winner and Holocaust survivor : “Wherever men or women are persecuted because of their race, religion, or political views, that place must at that moment become the center of the universe.” The reputed global organization Genocide Watch founded by Dr. Greoory Stanton has warned that the situation in India has already reached the stages of polarization, preparation, and persecution: respectively, the 6th, 7th, and 8th stages of the Ten Stages of Genocide.
This is shocking bias. Has American Kahani covered the massive rise in Hinduphobia-not just online hate and bullying-but real physical violence against folks visiting Taco Bell, in parkeitn lots, in mandirs across America? Heck did they even cover the Hinduphobia report from Rutgers when they can seem to to cover propoganda from any two bit group?