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The Burnout: Hustling Might Look Good on Your Resume But It has Down Sides

The Burnout: Hustling Might Look Good on Your Resume But It has Down Sides

  • I have been a victim of hustling culture, too, where if I sat idle for a few days or weeks, I felt I am heading towards failure.

Hustling culture has become increasingly popular in recent years, especially among the younger generation. The term “hustling” refers to the act of working hard, usually through multiple jobs or side hustles, to achieve success and financial stability. While the concept of hustling may seem admirable, the impact it has on the generation is a topic of concern. This essay will explore how hustling culture is impacting the generation and its potential consequences.

Firstly, the pressure to hustle is leading to burnout and mental health issues. The hustle culture glorifies overworking, often at the expense of self-care and mental well-being. Young people are constantly being told to work harder and push themselves to their limits to achieve success. This pressure to constantly hustle can lead to feelings of exhaustion, anxiety, and burnout. It also creates an environment where taking breaks or taking care of oneself is seen as a weakness rather than a necessity.

Secondly, hustling culture is contributing to the rise of the gig economy. Many young people are forced into gig work, such as ride-sharing, food delivery, or freelancing, to make ends meet. While gig work can provide flexibility and opportunities for individuals to pursue their passions, it often comes at the cost of job security and benefits. This leads to a generation that is financially insecure and without access to basic benefits such as healthcare and retirement plans.

Hustle culture can also lead to the commodification of our identities. Young people are constantly being told to brand themselves and monetize their hobbies and passions.

Thirdly, the hustle culture often leads to a lack of work-life balance. With the constant pressure to work harder and longer hours, young people may neglect other important areas of their lives, such as family, relationships, and hobbies. The lack of balance can lead to feelings of isolation, depression, and anxiety.

Lastly, the hustle culture can also lead to the commodification of our identities. Young people are constantly being told to brand themselves and monetize their hobbies and passions. While pursuing one’s passions can be fulfilling, the constant pressure to monetize them can lead to a loss of meaning and purpose.

I have been a victim of hustling culture, too, where if I sat idle for a few days or weeks, I felt I am heading towards failure. No breaks between shows, getting burnt out, having no capacity to build human connections and being constantly on the go impacted my emotional and mental health. Having gigs back-to-back would look good on the profile, yet not having the time to relish the achievements and absorb the fun wasn’t making it fulfilling.

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In conclusion, the hustle culture has become a prominent feature of the current generation, and while it may provide some benefits such as financial security and flexibility, it also has significant drawbacks. The pressure to constantly hustle can lead to burnout, mental health issues, lack of work-life balance, and commodification of our identities. It is crucial that we recognize the negative impacts of hustling culture and work towards creating a more sustainable and balanced approach to work and success.

(Top image, courtesy

Mansi Mehra is a standup comedian based in Los Angeles, California. She has shared the stage with several international comedians including Maz Jobrani, Margaret Cho, Amir K and many more. In 2011, she was a Hindi Radio Jockey in L.A. In 2019, she won two pageants — Miss India USA National 2019 in Charlotte, North Carolina and Miss Exuberant Spirit 2019 in Beverly Hills, California. She graduated from the University of Southern California (USC) in Computer Science Engineering. She believes in giving back to the community and has been involved with several non-profit organizations like OC India Association, CRY America (OC chapter), VIBHA Los Angeles, Soroptimist International Los Angeles (SILA) and many more. Website: Instagram: @Machchar

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