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Dismantling Hindutva or Denying Hinduphobia: What Prompted the Largest Grassroots Mobilization of Hindu Americans in History

Dismantling Hindutva or Denying Hinduphobia: What Prompted the Largest Grassroots Mobilization of Hindu Americans in History

  • If there is a silver lining to the cruelty of the DGH event, it will be in its uniting of Hindu Americans and Hindus globally in opposition to it.

On the same day that the Taliban overran Kabul, a website appeared announcing that South Asian studies departments from across the U.S., Canada, and Europe were hosting an event sponsored by nearly 41 universities. 

The three-day event would start on September 10th, one day before the 20th anniversary of the deadliest terrorist attacks in American history. Since Afghanistan falls squarely within geographic South Asia and the patronage and ideology animating the Talibanā€™s march is transnational, one might presume that the conference would focus on this urgent topic.

Instead, the website featured a claw hammer ripping out presumably Hindu men dressed in orange (a color considered sacred by Hindus), with the title ā€œDismantling Global Hindutva.ā€

Organizers displayed a grid with dozens of university logos, ranging from the shields of Harvard, University of Pennsylvania, Columbia, and Princeton to that of McMaster and University of Toronto in Canada, as sponsors. 

Hindutva? On September 11 while the Taliban is on a march to upend South Asia? 

Hindutva is a loaded word with definitions that span the spiritual to political

ā€œHindutvaā€ is not a word we at the Hindu American Foundation use to describe our work, nor one we engage with politically or ideologically.

But the DGH website makes clear that its interpretation of Hindutva is political, and its intention is to dismantle the word and the Indian political party that espouses it, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

At HAF, we have no quarrel with those who have a quarrel with the BJP or are involved in Indian politics. 

But should U.S. universities actually sponsor partisan political events about a foreign nation?

From our engagement with Hindu advocacy over the past two decades, I know well that criticism of Hindutva ā€” even when it is a legitimate condemnation of vigilantes carrying out attacks in the name of Hinduism or Hindus ā€” has a history of veering quickly into Hinduphobia. 

In fact, we recently filed a defamation lawsuit after a few organizations labeled us ā€œHindutvaā€ and then had published sordid lies alleging misuse of COVID-19 PPP funds for violence against religious minorities and ties to foreign entities. Tagging Hindu groups as ā€œHindutvaā€ is a smear tactic to malign and intimidate us into silence by ascribing false motivations and horrible misdeeds and alleging dual loyalty. Itā€™s a tactic weā€™ve faced for the 18-years HAF has been in existence. 

How would DGH focus its criticism and dismantling of Hindutva? 

Would the DGH event explore the concept of Hindutva with eminent scholars that study the complex history and contested narratives around Hindutva from inside and outside the tradition and represent a diversity of viewpoints? Would they reconcile and recognize the long history of Hinduphobia and ensure it does not affect Hindu American students and faculty on their campus when condemning Hindutva?

A preliminary list of speakers and reading resources published on the DGH website answers those questions. The answer is not reassuring. 

A poet selected to give a keynote is known for calling the Hindu deity, Lord Rama, a dickhead, with various more epithets reserved for other revered deities. 

One was the politburo member of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) and an avowed political opponent of the BJP ā€” affirming the political nature of the so-called conference. 

Another is a vocal proponent of separating Kashmir from India.

The remaining have almost no scholarship in Hindu philosophy, rather having expertise in race theory, Islam, Marxism, theatre, or English, among other varied disciplines, and many are radical activists with no academic affiliation at all. 

In a perfunctory effort to distinguish Hindutva from Hinduism, the best DGH could muster was an appalling definition that Hinduism is ā€œcontradictory,ā€ ā€œcontested,ā€ and ā€œrightly critiqued for the deep inequities in Indian society.ā€ 

In a perfunctory effort to distinguish Hindutva from Hinduism, the best DGH could muster was an appalling definition that Hinduism is ā€œcontradictory,ā€ ā€œcontested,ā€ and ā€œrightly critiqued for the deep inequities in Indian society.ā€

Hinduism, to DGH organizers, has no meaning worth thoughtful articulation ā€” and worse, DGH reduces a timeless tradition rooted in the concept of Oneness of existence, non-violence, and selfless service, to social evils such as caste discrimination that afflict Indians of all backgrounds.

DGH doubles down on denying Hinduphobia while fomenting it

A few days after its initial publication, the DGH website referenced a glossary of terms put forth by the South Asia Scholar Activist Collective (SASAC). 

Thus began, on the DGH social media feed and website, a strange, sustained campaign focused on doubling down on Hinduphobia denialism and simultaneously fomenting it.

The SASAC glossary defines Hinduphobia as a ā€œrecently coined term,ā€ when, actually, it has been in use for at least a century

Then the DGH organizers make the horrifying and historically false claim that ā€œā€˜Hinduphobiaā€™ rests on the false notion that Hindus have faced systematic oppression throughout history.ā€ 

Despite this denialism on the part of DGH organizers and the SASAC, there is a widely accepted documented history of the planned genocide and ethnoreligious cleansings of Hindus.

One need only remember 1971 when over a million Bengali Hindus were killed; or 1989 onwards, when over 350,000 Kashmiri Pandits were cleansed from their ancestral homeland and 700 Pandits were killed; or the 1990s when some 150,000 Llosthampas, mostly Hindu, were driven out of Bhutan; or today where a few hundred remaining Hindus and Sikhs desperately seek rescue from Taliban controlled Afghanistan; or the ongoing persecution of Hindus in Pakistan leading to their erasure as a people. 

As the DGH website was updated, the use of Hinduphobic tropes only increased. A late entry invoked the term ā€˜Brahmanismā€™. 

Brahmanism is a term created by neocolonial Indologists in the 19th and early 20th century and has no meaning within the Hindu tradition. 

Protestant bias, widespread Christian anti-Semitism, and racist ideas about the origins of Indians as a people led many Indologists to equate Brahmins (who they viewed as the torchbearers of a backward and heathen religion or Brahmanism) with their Jewish counterparts and similarly demonized them.

Hindu students on American campuses are also not spared. SASAC scholar-activists engage in unbelievable fear-mongering, warning other South Asian students, ā€œespecially Muslims, Dalits, those who identify as Feminist, or LGBTQ+ā€ of the dangers of students espousing non-defined ā€œHindu-centric ideas.ā€ Bear in mind that this is a manual authored by educators responsible for the safety and wellbeing of all students, regardless of background or beliefs.

Militating against Hindutva also means, apparently, attacking the integrity of India.

That speaker with a long history of activism claiming Kashmir was never a part of India, but of Central Asia, demands that the Indian territory of Kashmir be, as Pakistan demands, ceded to Pakistan or given independence. He is slated to speak in a session questioning the ā€œcontoursā€ of the Indian nation, and presumably will announce that India is as undefined and nebulous as the religion that inhabits it.

So, while the DGH event has been presented as an academic conference, complete with the imprimatur implied by dozens of university logos, it clearly has activist/political objectives.

And even as DGH insists that attacking Hindutva is not attacking Hinduism, it defines Hinduism in fatuous phrases, explicitly erases a horrific history of Hindu persecution and ongoing Hinduphobia, and demonizes Hindu students and faculty who may hold dissenting views. 

The outrage in the community had little to do with the word ā€œHindutva,ā€ but had everything to do with the fact that Hindutva was a smokescreen for anti-Hindu and anti-India activism

And what about ā€˜Hindutva,ā€™ the contested term sparking such a problematic gathering of activists and scholars? 

Itā€™s a Sanskrit word that literally means ā€œHinduness,ā€ but there is no consensus definition of what exactly this means. 

The Indian Supreme Court defined it as the Hindu way of life and the Hindu spiritual leader currently heading the apex body of Hindu sampradayas (religious traditions), calls Hindutva an ā€œabstract noun implying the essence of Hindu Dharma.ā€ 

When originally defined, Hindutva meant a cultural Hindu identity, and was later redefined to highlight the indigeneity of Hindus to the Indian geography. It is also considered the nationalist ideology espoused by the BJP. 

But just as many Muslims strongly protest the use of terms such as ā€œradical Islamā€ or ā€œjihadiā€ due to their stigmatizing effect on all Muslims, weaponizing a term that sounds like, and only adds a suffix ā€œtvaā€ to ā€œHinduā€ ā€” when most Americans have no basic understanding about Hinduism ā€” raises fears of targeting. 

See Also

Would a Hindu student on one of those forty college campuses have to qualify their ā€œHindunessā€ and not ā€œHindutvanessā€ if challenged by classmates or instructors? 

Out of this, the largest grassroots protest in North America against academic antics targeting Hindus was born. 

Some one million letters were sent to co-sponsoring universities. Many Hindus took to social media to discuss the DGH event and what it implied for Hindus worldwide. Alumni and faculty at those institutions mobilized to contact universities and challenge the use of logos to support what is in essence a political event. 

College students released videos admonishing that the DGH eventā€™s combative messaging left them feeling unsafe on campuses and intimidated into silence if their views were viscerally opposed to the South Asian faculty orthodoxy on their campus. 

Several Hindu American elected leaders and candidates released statements condemning the DGH event and its rejection of Hinduphobia.

The message in the letters and statements of political leaders was clear: not to cancel the conference, but to expose how South Asian studies departments were failing Hindus in inveighing against Hindutva. 

Letters to universities argued that logos should be removed to institutionally dissociate from an overtly partisan political event, and that universities must not financially support a political event in contravention of relevant not-for-profit regulations and their very mission of providing a liberal education.

Universities were reminded of their responsibilities to students and faculty. Students and faculty must also have the academic freedom to explore questions, posit ideas, and express opinions without being viewpoint policed or fearing being labeled a ā€œsupremacistā€ or ā€œextremistā€ and paying a professional price, as many academics have. 

The response from universities was immediate. 

Several universities sent letters to students, alumni and HAF offices categorically stating that their logos were used without permission, and that the university was dissociating from any semblance of sponsorship. 

Logos were promptly removed from the DGH website. The communist politician from India was removed as a conference speaker at some point too.

Nearly a hundred academics from around the world prepared to publish a letter opposing institutional endorsement of the DGH event, and prominent academics and authors excoriated conference organizers for engaging in Hinduphobia denialism. 

After over 150 Hindu American temples and Hindu cultural organizations voiced their collective opposition to the conference and several Hindu advocacy organizations raised objections to the institutionalization of Hinduphobia, the extent of opposition to the DGH conference in the Hindu American community became clear. 

DGH organizers now lacked credibility when they pointed to a small human rights group claiming to offer Hindu community support to their effort.

DGH may say they are attacking Hindutva and not Hinduism, but conference messaging was interpreted by Hindu Americans only as the latter.

If there is a silver lining to the cruelty of the DGH event, it will be in its uniting of Hindu Americans and Hindus globally in opposition to it. 

No other event in recent times has galvanized those finding inspiration in Hinduism to root out a rot afflicting a heavily politicized and activist South Asian academy, or expose the muzzle that mutes any reasonable consideration of Hinduphobia. 

Endowments made to South Asian studies departments by prominent Indians and Indian Americans are being viewed through a new lens, and I am aware of several that are contacting institutions they support to register their disapproval. 

Ultimately, the DGH event will happen as scheduled and Hinduism will survive another attempt to undercut the spiritual significance it holds for billions. 

But what the events of the past few weeks have confirmed is that, while Hinduphobia may manifest in various ways and get normalized in the cloistered walls of academia, the struggle against Hinduphobia will not relent. 

Suhag Shukla is the Executive Director and Co-Founder of the Hindu American Foundation.

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  • Thank you for writing this. As someone who loves Vaishnavite history and its philosophical texts, I was seriously considering contributing substantially to a department chair at one of the University of California campuses where there is a scholar of this tradition; however after following this carefully and noting that the scholar is among the list of people supporting this conference, I will not contribute.

    I absolutely value academic freedom and debate. I believe this conference should have the freedom to take place; but I can also recognize hate speech when I see it. There is no question that some of the most vociferous supporters of this conference have engaged in hate speech against Hindus who currently comprise only 1% of the US population. I would not donate to a department where there is support of Islamophobia or anti-Semitism and I certainly will not fund any department where there is tacit support of hate speech against Hindus.
    Even if I were to give this department the benefit of the doubt and say they are completely naive about the twitter-hate-speech of some of the organizers, it occurs to me that I havenā€™t seen any opposite global conference having been held on the beauty of the Bhakti tradition or the amazing malleability and diversity of Hindu traditions in general. If academics are unable to communicate the positives of a largely unknown tradition, why even study or fund it
    Lastly, I have been looking into how university departments in the United States are funded and the largest endowments are actually from foreign governments with Qatar being the largest single donor in the billions(!) so I donā€™t think these universities actually care if people who have an interest in Hindu traditions donate anyway. Maybe their next conference should be about the implications of all that funding from Qatar and Saudi Arabia šŸ˜‰

    • It has become imperative that a global level conferance on explaining the very essence of Hinduism which is not a religion but a way of life for all that has life in this universe & how each one be given its due respect. Hinduism teaches how we should live with nature in nalance.if that spirit were followed by every one, the fight against global warming would have been necessary.Any religion can adopt the way of life explained in Hindu Dharma with out prejudice to that religion’s principals.

  • Thanks a lot Suhag mam for spearheading our fight against thus vile attempt to dehumanize Hindus and spreading Hindumisia.May Ishwar bless you strength unbound and may your tribe increase.I just hope this event ushers a new awareness in American Hindu Diaspora and Hindus worldwide against Hinduphobia.This will become a precursor to a community driven mechanism to dismantle these kind of events and their organisers.I once again congratulate and thank you and Hindu American foundation for your endeavours.

  • Question; what’s wrong with Hindutva? Why did you file a defamation lawsuit after a few organizations labeled you ā€œHindutvaā€ .
    Hindutva is property of Hindu just like Matrutva is property of Mata.

  • Bravo. well done. don’t let these half-baked men and women, who are organizing the DGH conference, get away with their false narratives. To me, they look like bootlickers of some money maximizers. They are a bunch of desperate attention seekers also.

  • Hello Suhag Shukla –


    As someone born in the Hindu faith, and a lifelong student of Hinduism, I think the obfuscations regarding Hindutva that you and several others on the Hindu Right indulge in must stop.

    While it is true that Hindutva is often a short-hand smear term for anyone who might seem to show a certain affinity towards Hindu traditional values, there is a sinister side to it too, as one only knows too well. It would be too painful and burdensome to go into the recent history of religious nationalism, but at least in the minds of many of us, a violent, lynching, “Bolo Jai Shri Ram,” kind of coercive Hinduism is not what we wish to associate with.

    I also wish to deny openly the actual gravity of something called Hinduphobia which an organization like yours has made into a bugbear. You have wrongly stepped upon the pain and experience of those who’ve experienced Islamophobia and the Jewish Holocaust.
    It is a smokescreen, like the smokescreen of “bullying in schools for being Hindus” that you guys alleged during the California Text Book issue. I know that those opposing the advocacy of the Dalits, Muslims, Sikhs etc trotted out their school-going kids, sleepy and shy for having been aroused in the morning to miss school and travel to a townhall to testify about bullying before the CA textbook committee. That was a truly avoidable gimmick, a cheap shot at sensationalizing a non-issue.

    This is not to deny that there are forms of anti-immigrant, anti-brown racism in the US. But does that constitute widespread hatred of Hindus? Would such a hatred have allowed Indian American- Hindus to flourish in almost every branch of activity in the US, occupying top spots in business, IT, finance, education, politics, law etc? I do not think so. Would almost every major city in the US boast of several Hindu temples if there was such widespread Hinduphobia? You all know full well that is merely a red herring. You cannot be serious but you have to foist a strawman.

    I don’t particularly care about the conference, the organizers or the speakers. They mostly have old-hat arguments as far as I am concerned. But I sure as h3ll am committed to opposing a violent, bigoted, hateful religious nationalism (“Hindutva”).

    You should too – and you should stop freaking out about this conference. Hinduism is in no danger – it has been chugging along in one form or another for about 2-3000 years, at least. And it will keep rolling, even without this panic’d concern of yours from outside India.

    Best wishes.

    • Dear avi,
      Your understanding of hindutva is very biased and factually incorrect. Hindutva is the resistance to opposing imperial religions on earth . Please read history. History is the proof why hindutva is the neccisity.
      In the world of isis and evangelical groups which you did not bother to mention hindutva protects hindus.
      Hinduism has thrived because we resisted to external colonial forces but still we lost once hindu majority countries like pakistan ,Afghanistan, Bangladesh etc . Do u want today’s India to become like them????. Please use ur common sense. Jai shri ram is response to Allah hu akbar .

  • This is a political conference masquerading as academic, very blatant and open, with many known extremists participating! It will be interesting to find out who is funding this? Why are Muslim organisations involved in this? Where are their funds coming from, from a hostile neighbour? Why are organisations funded by George Soros involved? Follow the money and you can expose those behind. From India, the extreme left, many known JNU and extreme Islamist elements are involved

    Anybody will welcome a serious academic conference on any topic where there is free flow of ideas and opinions backed with data! Where are the contrary opinions in this conference? Where are opposing views? This is an echochamber of all those who have taken an antagonistic political position from 2014 for known political reasons. This is fine but these folks are deviously masquerading as academics, fighting a political battle and belittling the Hindus just to hit back politically and paint the entire 1b+ Hindu community in bad light. They have no comments or many support the extremist Taliban while going after Hindus and India. They must be exposed! For their hate mongering and bigotry by all.

  • Hindutva is the ideology promoted by India’s Hindu militant supremacists which is responsible for unspeakable number of hate crimes, murders, lynching, violence against Muslims, Christians in India. The leaders of the ideology are on record praising Hitler, Nazis and their treatment of Jews.

    The fact that you are trying to mislead Americans by conflating Hindutva with Hinduism, exposes your agenda and the fact that your loyalties lie with foreign militant orgs and not America.

    The grassroots mobilization that you are talking about is only sleeper cells of India’s Hindu militant network being activated to spread confusion, disinformation and to deflect attention from their crimes. I am sure the intelligence agencies have noted all the players.

    Rehashing your whatsapp forwards and spinning a yarn, accusing organisers of DGH being anti-Hindu is not going to work.

    The poet who called Ram dickhead, is from the oppressed caste that you supremacists oppressed for 1000s of years using Hinduism. So I am not surprised that she holds resentment. You and your ilk is responsible for destroying Hinduism and India.

    Also, just like you don’t need to be a devout Muslim to call out Taliban or Islamic militants, you don’t need to be devout Hindu to call out Hindutva and Hindu militant ideology either.

    I also noticed that you threw in Protestants and Christians in your rant too. It amazes me that just a couple of decades ago your parents begged those Christians for visa to US and now you spew hatred against them too, for letting you in. I heard leaked clubhouse recordings of Rajiv Malhotra where he is conspiring against Christians to defend Hindu militants.

    You guys migrate to a Christian majority country, and support Hindu militant ideology which attacks Muslims and Christians and then you spew hatred and conspire against Christians in US. You guys claimed to be Hindus and oppress Hindus for 1000s of years with caste oppression.

    Looks like backstabbing, treachery, hate and violence are your guiding principles.

    For the uninitiated, look up “RSS vice” on Youtube and check out Vice documentary about RSS there.

    • I disagree with your assertion.

      Hindus in America are peace-loving and if you label them ‘sleeper cell’ is just your imagination and suggests that you do have a hidden agenda against Hindus of America and everywhere else.

      The caste system exists everywhere it is simply a division of labor based on one’s karma and NOT by birth – British have exploded the system to their advantage. who wrote Indian history, it is British just like African American history was written by a white person!

      Look at why the nation for Jews was created after WW2 – do you really think we need WW3 to have Hindus wiped out of India?

  • Thank you for such an informative and strong article. Hindutava is a way of life and should not be confused with any political affiliation. I am Indian American and a proud Hindu. People like the author of this article are couraged to educate our young generation as well as non-Hindus and mainstream media.

    No way one can link Hindus/Hindutva to radical Islam like the DHC organizers were trying to do. Hindus are peace-loving citizens of any country they adopt. You don’t hear a jihadi Hindu going to kill masses like radicals Muslims.

    Have organizers of DHC ever thought of saying reform Islam and pointing out why there is always ongoing conflict in the Islamic world or why peace-loving moderate Muslims who are law-abiding citizens are in minority?

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