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Between a Rock and a Hard Place:  An American Hindu Perspective of Potential Presidencies of Trump and Harris

Between a Rock and a Hard Place:  An American Hindu Perspective of Potential Presidencies of Trump and Harris

  • Determining the lesser of two evils between Trump and Harris for American Hindus is challenging. However, Harris could be the lesser evil due to her potential for inclusivity and dialogue.

American Hindus, a growing and diverse community known for their significant contributions to the American socioeconomic landscape, are now facing unique challenges in the upcoming presidential election. The potential presidencies of Donald Trump and Kamala Harris pose distinct concerns for this group, impacting their socio-political, economic, and cultural environment. While neither Donald Trump nor Kamala Harris presents an ideal presidency for American Hindus, examining the specific issues associated with each can help determine which candidate might be considered the lesser of two evils.

Trump Presidency: Alienation and Discrimination

Trump’s presidency has had significant repercussions for American Hindus. Initially, some supported Trump for his stance against Islamist terrorism and perceived support for India. However, many found his tenure fraught with challenges that negatively impacted their socio-political and cultural landscape. 

His polarizing approach and pandering to ethno-fascist white nationalism clashed with the multicultural values cherished by American Hindus. The rise in the marginalization of minority voices created an environment where many felt their cultural and religious identities were under threat. Incidents like the 2017 shooting of Srinivas Kuchibhotla in Kansas and Harnish Patel in South Carolina underscored the dangerous climate fostered by Trump’s divisive rhetoric. The administration’s often delayed and inadequate response to such incidents left many in the Hindu community feeling vulnerable and unprotected.

Trump’s short-sighted immigration policies, including reductions in H-1B visas, directly affected many Indian professionals and their families. The H-1B visa program, crucial for many in the tech industry, saw significant cuts and stricter regulations, causing anxiety and uncertainty among thousands of Hindu families. Economically, Trump’s policies largely left middle-class Hindu families, including many who are small business owners, feeling excluded. Additionally, the attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act raised concerns about access to affordable healthcare, a critical issue for many in the community.

Trump administration’s international policies, including his inconsistent stance on India, added to the uncertainty. While he seemingly enjoyed a close relationship with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, his overall erratic foreign policy often left American Hindus concerned about the stability of U.S.-India relations.

Harris Presidency: Misunderstanding and Political Stances

The potential election of Kamala Harris, with her mixed heritage of Indian and Jamaican parentage, while representing progress in terms of diversity and breaking barriers, poses a different set of challenges for American Hindus. To date, Kamala Harris’s mixed heritage has not necessarily translated to a deeper understanding or advocacy for Hindu-specific issues. Her lack of explicit support or acknowledgment of Hindu festivals, rituals, and concerns can contribute to a feeling of invisibility among American Hindus. 

Her vocal criticism of the Indian government’s policies, particularly regarding Kashmir and the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), has been perceived as biased interference in India’s sovereign matters by many American Hindus with strong ties to India. This stance could lead to a sense of alienation and mistrust towards her administration. Harris’s close affiliations with progressive groups whose critiques of India’s current government sometimes feel like purposeful misrepresentations of the complex socio-political dynamics in India cause unease among American Hindus who value their cultural and religious identity.

Furthermore, the broader political environment under a Harris presidency could exacerbate existing racial tensions. A rise in anti-Hindu sentiments and incidents of Hinduphobia under a president who seems to be neglectful or indifferent to her Hindu ethnicity does not seem reassuring to the Hindu community.

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Her stance on affirmative action and broader immigration reforms, while generally progressive, might not align perfectly with the specific needs of the Hindu community, especially concerning educational and professional opportunities for Indian Americans. Affirmative action policies could be seen as potentially disadvantaging Indian American students who often excel academically and may not benefit from such measures.

Lesser of the Evils: A Complex Choice

Determining the lesser of two evils between Trump and Harris for American Hindus is challenging. Trump’s administration fostered fear and division, impacting the community’s sense of security. Harris, while promoting diversity, may not fully align with or care to understand Hindu-specific concerns, particularly in international relations. However, Harris could be the lesser evil due to her potential for inclusivity and dialogue. Her progressive foundations suggest openness to engagement, making it possible to build bridges and advocate effectively with her administration, unlike the divisive landscape of another Trump presidency.

Mandar A. Pattekar MD is a retired physician, community organizer, and a volunteer Hindu spiritual care provider.

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  • Being in disagreement with Indian government, no way means being anti India. Judge Harris as an American citizen without any expectations out of her Indian lineage.
    As per Freedom house ranking, US democracy has deteriorated significantly in the last decade. White supremacist elements like project 2025, are rising. A Narcissist, misogynist Trump, a felon facing criminal charges was sure to win against Biden. He wants to discourage immigration, promote gun culture, restrict abortion rights, ignore climate change & international agreements.
    Entry of Kamala Harris has created hope. I find her quite balanced as a politician even though slightly populist in her economic policies. She salvaged the situation of her party from a certain defeat.
    On the other hand, I find her opponent to be the worst presidential candidate. He is so dumb that during an interview, he could not do simple maths; calculated 17x 6 wrongly as 112 and kept insisting that his answer was correct. I have received a video showing this tragedy. He has no hesitation in speaking blatant lies (well documented in media), believes in personal attacks on his opponents rather than discussing policies.
    Nikky Hailey was a far better candidate for the GOP but she lost to this Trump who has his vote bank of semi-literate followers, mostly the disgruntled whites whose political education is mostly on social media, at best on Fox news.
    Still, Trump has a chance due to the collegium vote system of the US, fake propaganda on social media & pro-Netanyahu lobby in the USA.

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