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An 18th Birthday to Cherish Forever

An 18th Birthday to Cherish Forever

Ishani Takyar turned 18 on April 4. For months, the senior at South Brunswick High School in Monmouth Junction, New Jersey, had dreamt about what she would do on her big day — from shopping to traveling to throwing a huge party for her friends and family. Thanks to the Coronavirus and the shelter in place, her plans were abruptly demolished. Not knowing how her day would go, Ishani was pleasantly surprised when her friends and her extended family held a parade in front of her house to celebrate her turning into an adult. “Without a doubt, this birthday will forever be one that I cherish,” she says. “On this day I truly understood the value of all the ‘small’ privileges I so easily take for granted.”

Ishani Takyar of Monmouth Junction, New Jersey, cuts a cake on her front yard, to celebrate her 18th birthday as her
friends and family stop by to wish her on April 4, 2020.

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