Desi Twitter Lauds Jewelry Ad Showing the Journey of a Trans Woman, Message of Inclusivity

- The protagonist is played by Meera Singhania Rehani, a prominent trans woman, activist and social media personality.

Womanhood being celebrated in advertisements is nothing new, but the Kerala-based jewelry brand, truly captured the essence of that word with their recent ad, that has garnered much love on Indian social media. The ad shows the journey of a trans woman who transitions with the support of her parents – trying on gorgeous jewelry, growing her hair out and embracing her womanhood. The protagonist is played by Meera Singhania Rehani, a prominent trans woman, activist and social media personality. Desi twiterrati is lauding this ad for its message of inclusivity, unlike its predecessor, the Tanishq ad, which divided social media. The ad showed a pregnant Hindu woman escorted by her Muslim mother-in-law to her baby shower ceremony. As soon as the ad was released by the makers, it went viral on the internet, with netizens slamming it for promoting inter-faith marriages. The Bhima Jewellers ad has so far been getting only love and praise.
Why aren't people talking about the new @bhimajewellers ad? It's a watershed moment in the history of #jewellery ads. A brave move. Will it help sell the product, I don't know. But it has dared to go where no one has before. 👏👏👏👏👏👏
— Sudha Pillai (@sudhapillai) April 14, 2021
This is PURE GOLD. This film moved me to tears. Bravo @bhimajewellers and whoever created this film.
— Hansal Mehta (@mehtahansal) April 15, 2021
This is beautiful.
— Kubbra Sait (@KubbraSait) April 15, 2021
Just everything about the story being told is kind.🎈
Beautifully done @bhimajewellers
People, please wake up to this iconic ad of @bhimajewellers. A far cry from the nauseatingly fake ads we see from most other jewellery brands.
— TANUJJ GARG (@tanuj_garg) April 15, 2021
Pure, inspiring and heart-warming. Kudos to the creative team behind it, and to the brand, for backing it.
Representation done right. 🌈
— Abhishek Baxi (@baxiabhishek) April 15, 2021
The ad features Meera Singhania, a trans person.
My salaams to Bhima Jewellery. If I was in Kerala or Tamil Nadu, my next purchase would be with them.
This is an outstanding advertisement. Hats off, Bhima Jewellers.
— Siddharth (@DearthOfSid) April 15, 2021
Very true.. @bhimajewellers Kudos to you guys for taking such a love nd needed concept. #Pure unbiased love
— Nikita Sukhadeve (@NikitaSukhadeve) April 15, 2021
This advertisement is pure gold! =). Kudos to you, Bhima Jewellers. ❤️
— Varghese Rosh Pyyampallil (@pyyampallil) April 15, 2021
..the 'Pure' part of it is so well captured in this very very evocative story line..the physical and emotional appeal combine so well..kudos to the creators and the client for having both the wisdom and courage to release this commercial
— Aurobindo Mohanty (@AurobindoM) April 15, 2021
OMG. This advertisement is truly pure as love. ❤️ @bhimajewellers
— Rohini Singh (@rohini_sgh) April 15, 2021
Love and best wishes to those who conceptualised, commissioned and cleared this @bhimajewellers ad. When asked, Bhima said the model in the ad is #MeeraSinghania, who is a trans person in real life, not just playing one. #RepresentationMatters
— Anna MM Vetticad (@annavetticad) April 15, 2021
Its beautiful. Thanks for sharing this!!
— Pooots (@pooja_bandu) April 15, 2021
I still dont think Indian audience is ready for this yet.. but kudos to the brand and the ad makers to have shot such a beautiful ad.
Beautiful… Courageous… Heartwarming. Bravo @bhimajewellers
— Harneet Singh (@Harneetsin) April 15, 2021
Visual storytelling at it's best. @bhimajewellers has done a fantastic job with this ad.
— Jimy (@jimypothen) April 15, 2021
Woah very brave !! This is so beautiful and sensitive !! Very well done @bhimajewellers 👏👏👏
— BalajiKannan (@gandalfonmeth) April 15, 2021
This is one of the most remarkable ads I’ve seen. @bhimajewellers just upped the ante to another level.
— Shruti Seth (@SethShruti) April 15, 2021
All of us should buy something from them as a show of support, so they continue to make more ads like this one.
Please watch it and share
This is so beautifully shot! Kudos to all involved. And props to a brave client too. Lovely ad.
— Alex D (@CntOMonteCristo) April 15, 2021
@bhimajewellers thankyou for such a brave attempt.. its huge subconsciously ppl will aknowledge the pure form of love.. many may resist the concept but somewhere they will be stuck with the term pure form of love.. well done 🙏
— दिप्ती (@DiptiMGPFG) April 15, 2021
Bhima's new ad..!❤️👌
— ᴀʙʜɪᴊɪᴛʜ ᴏʟɪᴄᴋᴀʟ (@Srank_Empire) April 15, 2021
Let it be an inspiration to some.@bhimajewellers
An ad that goes where no jewellery ad has gone before. @bhimajewellers
— Vaishna Roy (@vaishnaroy) April 15, 2021
This is so lovely! Except for the gaudy display of jewellery at the end.
— Sukumar Muralidharan (@sukumar_md) April 15, 2021
They have set the bar real real high. As a jeweller manufacturer myself, this just created a new standard to reach for me and my business.
— Rajesh Roy (@rajeshroy1929) April 15, 2021