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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Rips Vivek Ramaswamy’s ‘Goofy’ Remarks Calling Democrats ‘Dumb and Juvenile’

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Rips Vivek Ramaswamy’s ‘Goofy’ Remarks Calling Democrats ‘Dumb and Juvenile’

  • The New York Congresswoman called out the GOP for their “goofy” ways, and accused them of obsessing over LGBT people, as well as of appealing to ‘incels.’

Former GOP presidential hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy got a mouthful from Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) for mocking Democrats’ strategy of labeling the GOP presidential ticket as weird. “This whole ‘they’re weird’ argument from the Democrats is dumb & juvenile,” Ramaswamy wrote on X. “This is a presidential election, not a high school prom queen contest. It’s also a tad ironic coming from the party that preaches ‘diversity & inclusion.’ Win on policy if you can, but cut the crap please.”

The fiery New York Congresswoman, in replying to Ramaswamy’s July 28 post, defended the Democrats and called out the Republicans for their “goofy” ways. She accused Republicans of obsessing over LGBT people, as well as of appealing to Incels (Involuntary Celibates).  

“Being obsessed with repressing women is goofy,” Ocasio-Cortez wrote on X. “Trying to watch what LGBTQ+ people do all the time is abnormal. Punishing people who don’t have biological offspring is creepy,” she continued. “It’s an incel platform, dude. It’s SUPER weird. And people need to know.”

The criticism comes as Vance faces scrutiny over remarks he made in the past, including for previously saying the country was run by “childless cat ladies.” He has also come under fire for a past remark advocating for higher taxes on Americans without children, according to The Hill. 

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The Harris campaign has also described both Trump and Vance as weird. “You may have noticed, Donald Trump has been resorting to some wild lies about my record,” The Telegraph quoted her as saying at a fundraiser IN Massachusetts on July 27.. “And some of what he and his running mate are saying, well, it’s just plain weird. I mean that’s the box you put that in.”

Vance has brushed off the attacks. Responding to a question in a recent Fox News interview, he admitted that the attacks didn’t hurt his feelings. “No, not at all. It doesn’t hurt my feelings,” he said. “Look, the price of admission — meaning, the price of getting to serve the people of this country — is the Democrats are going to attack us with everything that they have. I think it’s an honor.”

Ramaswamy and Vance have known each other for a long time, dating back to their studies at Yale Law School just over a decade ago, when they were classmates, Ramaswamy grew up in Evendale, Ohio, while Vance grew up in Middletown. As classmates at Yale Law School they used to watch Bengals games together without knowing they were some of “the few conservatives” there, Ramaswamy told reporters in Milwaukee. Both graduated from Yale Law in 2013. He described Vance’s wife, Usha, as a family friend. 

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