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Indiaspora’s First Impact Report Showcases Stellar Contributions of Indian Diaspora in the U.S. and Beyond 

Indiaspora’s First Impact Report Showcases Stellar Contributions of Indian Diaspora in the U.S. and Beyond 

  • It cites inspiring journeys of Indian Americans, exemplifying the grit, talent, and ambition displayed in technology, healthcare, education, public policy, science, culture, philanthropy or myriad other fields. 

Indiaspora, in partnership with the Boston Consulting Group, launched its first Impact Report titled “Small Community, Big Contributions, Boundless Horizons,” showcasing the stellar contributions of the Indian diaspora in the U.S.and beyond. 

The report is a catalog of the achievements of the prominent Indian diaspora with many narratives weaved in showcasing their inspiring work and the diaspora’s mammoth impact across economic, scientific, social, cultural, and civic dimensions. 

It can also be read as a celebration of the achievements of many Indian Americans in the U.S., and their contributions to India. The community represents a network of 5.1 million people, including 2.8 million first-generation immigrants (including students) and 2.3 million that claim Indian ancestry. Around 70% of Indian Americans are citizens and 60% are between 18-64 years of age. 

The report starts with the story of the humble beginnings of Google CEO, Sundar Pichai, and continues with inspiring journeys of other diaspora members exemplifying the grit, talent, and ambition that the members display in technology, healthcare, education, public policy, science, culture, philanthropy or myriad other fields. 

While making up merely 1.5% of the US population, the Indian diaspora’s economic impact in the U.S. is not only in leading the largest enterprises and founding new companies but also in employing millions of people across all states. CEOs of Indian origin head 16 Fortune 500 companies collectively employing  2.7 million Americans and generating nearly $1 trillion in revenue. Indian Americans have also co-founded 72 out of 648 US unicorns operating in 2024. Companies, like Cambridge Mobile Telematics and Solugen, employ over 55,000 people and are valued at $195 billion. 

The report states that research, innovation, and academia in the US have provided a ripe platform for the Indian diaspora to contribute. Between 1975 and 2019, the share of U.S. patents with Indian origin innovators jumped from around 2% to 10%. In 2023, research groups with scientists of Indian origin claimed about 11% of all NIH grants and contributed to 13% of scientific publications. Some notable mentions include Navin Varadarajan, a trailblazer in immunotherapy whose work is bringing new hope to cancer patients and Subra Suresh, the former director of the National Science Foundation, whose patents in biomedical devices have revolutionized healthcare globally.

Approximately 22,000 faculty members of Indian origin are teaching at the US colleges and universities, making up about 2.6% of full- time faculty. 35 out of the top 50 colleges in the US have an Indian American in a leadership position.

Around 270,000 Indian students from top academic institutes in India attend American universities comprising 25% of international students in the US and 1.5% of the total student population, with approximately 60% enrolled in graduate studies.

The feel good report includes contributions of the Indian diaspora to the cultural landscape of the U.S. seen in festivals, cuisine, wellness, film, music, and fashion. In the culinary world, celebrated chefs like Maneet Chauhan,Vikas Khanna, Srijith Gopinathan and Roni Mazumdar have brought Indian culinary flavors to mainstream American dining.

Wellness practices with Indian roots have become significant trends in American culture and yoga and ayurveda with roots in India are now staples in American wellness practices. 

Bollywood’s influence and fashion trends also make a mention in the report that states that traditional elements such as henna, bindis, and lehengas are becoming mainstream. Designers Falguni and Shane Peacock showcase their designs worn by celebrities at the New York Fashion Week. 

Literary contributions of authors like Jhumpa Lahiri and Abraham Verghese are mentioned and the Indian diaspora’s philanthropic contributions estimated to be over $1.5 billion are highlighted in the report showcasing a commitment to give back in both the U.S. and in India.

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The report honors the Indian diaspora’s impact on US public service and government — from local governance to the big leagues, as senators, representatives, and mayors. 

Also included is the Indian diaspora’s influence in global governance and policy and Indian experts redefining developmental economics and shaping policy frameworks with global impacts. Noteworthy luminaries mentioned include the new World Bank President, Ajay Banga and the International Monetary Fund’s first Deputy Managing Director Gita Gopinath. 

In conclusion, the report includes Indian talent as a driving force behind innovation in Silicon Valley where about one-third of tech employees are of Indian origin and US companies. 

Art by Jeena Raghvan adorns the cover page of the report that can be read here.  

Shalini Kathuria Narang is a freelance journalist and a software professional. She is also a poet and her poems have been published in several anthologies including “Starry Nights: Poetry of Diaspora in Silicon Valley” and “Pixie Dust and All Things Magical.” She is a monthly contributor to Masticadores USA and has been published by Spillwords Press and San Antonio Press.

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