Everyone Should Have a Mom Like Mine. She’s the Perfect Balance of Everything
- Mothers are just happy in the simplicity of their children's happiness. I see that a lot in my mom.
Around the world, everyone has a different definition of a mother. I define mine as a strong independent woman in my life who loves to tease me and blasts music during my endless stories. Every memory that I have always had a part of my mom in it. Whether it’s her doing my Spanish project or sitting hours trying to record a piano piece for me. Whether it’s her teasing me about my fantastic singing or lifting our spirits during the pandemic, she’s there.
Mothers are just happy in the simplicity of their children’s happiness. I see that a lot in my mom. In my worst, my best, and my confusing moments, my mom is always there. Even if she’s mad, somehow, she’s still smiling. No, like literally. If you make a joke during an argument, she’ll turn her face and smile at the window.
Everyone should have a mom like mine. She’s like the perfect balance of everything. Whenever I’m sad, she will take me on drives and get me treats to eat. Anytime I want to go to someone’s house, she’ll say, “First make chai, then we can.”
As kids, we don’t realize it, but our backbones are our mothers. When I was younger, I vividly remember messing up on a piano piece, and my mom told me straight to my face. Obviously, I was agitated at the time. But when I got older, I understood that mothers are made to tell you straight on the face. They are the only people who will be honest and help you succeed. That part of honesty from my mom has let me see the natural perspectives on things. I’ve grown up knowing that honesty is how you build relationships, and I would like to say that I’ve instilled that trait in me purely because of my mother.
Mom’s are like best friends, and I’m glad to say that my mom is mine. If you know my mom, then you know her personality is the cutest thing ever. Though she is raising two kids, she managed to become an entrepreneur and start a life that perfectly aligns with running an entire household of two kids who love to eat every five minutes. She’s the actual definition of a ball of sunshine. My mom believes that she is still 21, and let me tell you something, she does look 21. Everyone calls her my sister. I hope I’ve inherited those genes. My mom always says that “whatever happens happens for a reason.”
I take it that she lives with a complete drive in her mind. It reflects on how we (my brother and I) have grown up. Even though I’m not the calmest person in the world, I’ve slightly learned how to control anxiety and anger through her.
Along with my mom, I have a whole clan of motherly figures in my life. They range from successful and inspiring leaders to the best chefs to the most caring people who will hold you when you fall, advise you when you are confused, feed you (always), inspire you when you get to accelerate, and above all, be there when you need them. Honestly, I could not have asked anything better than this.
Fortunately, I’m blessed to have a mother like mine and the other amazing women in my life who have changed my diapers, watched me wear princess costumes, listen to my same chatter at least 100 times and send me GIFS every time I’m upset. I hope they all know how much they mean to me, and I wish a Happy Mothers Day to every mother out there and Happy Mother’s Day to my best friend.
Sanjog Kaur Dandona is a freshman at South Brunswick High School in New Jersey.