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Indian American Physician Sameer Patel Named Vice President of the Society of Plastic Surgeons

Indian American Physician Sameer Patel Named Vice President of the Society of Plastic Surgeons

  • He is chief of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and associate professor in the the Department of Surgical Oncology at Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia.

Dr. Sameer Patel, chief of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, was recently named vice president of the Robert H. Ivy Society of Plastic Surgeons. In this role, he will serve as “the chair of the program committee, which will plan the 71st Annual Scientific Meeting that will occur next spring,” according to a Fox Chase press release. He will also serve as a voting board member for the society. 

The Robert H. Ivy Society of Plastic Surgeons, which was formed in 1954, “works to ensure a continued high standard of clinical practice in plastic surgery, as well as to promote medical and surgical research,” according to the Fox Chase press release. Additionally, the society “provides a medium for the exchange of information relating to plastic, aesthetic, and reconstructive surgery.”

In a statement, Patel described the society as “a pillar of excellence in promoting high ethical standards of surgical practice and engaging esteemed surgeons in continued education in the field.” Serving as vice president is “an incredible honor,” he said, adding that he’s “eager to play a pivotal role in highlighting the importance of the social, economic, and psychological aspects of this specialty.” 

In addition to his role as chief of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Patel is also an associate professor in the the Department of Surgical Oncology at Fox Chase. He is a member of the National Comprehensive Cancer Center Network Breast Cancer Panel, and a member of the American Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery and the American Association of Plastic Surgeons. He has also been named a Top Doctor by Philadelphia magazine for both 2023 and 2024. 

Patel came to Fox Chase Cancer Center in 2007 after completing his fellowship in microsurgical reconstruction. He chose this specialty “to improve quality of life for patients by helping to restore appearance and function after cancer treatment,” he said in a blog on the Fox Chase Cancer Center website. In his practice, he sees people “who have been diagnosed with various cancers, including breast, head and neck, melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer,” he said. Often, his patients” may require speech therapy, support services and treatments, such as radiation therapy or chemotherapy, in addition to surgery,” he continued, adding that Fox Chase’s “multispecialty approach and status as a comprehensive cancer center gives these patients integrated care to meet all their needs.”

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In addition to performing surgery, he studies “surgical outcomes of head and neck cancer patients to find new ways of maximizing function and improving appearance, including the use of advanced computer-aided, patient-specific surgical planning techniques,” he said in the blog. He also gathers research data on breast reconstruction procedures to determine which options may be best for different types of patients.

(Top photo, courtesy of Fox Chase Cancer Center.)

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