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Indian American Nishanth Rodrigues Named CIO at University of Oklahoma 

Indian American Nishanth Rodrigues Named CIO at University of Oklahoma 

  • The Indian American, who currently serves in the same role of at the University of Mississippi, will join OU end of the month.

The University of Oklahoma has named Nishanth Rodrigues as the new chief information officer. The Indian American, who currently serves as CIO of t the University of Mississippi, will join OU end of the month, the university announced last week.

Rodrigues will be taking over from interim Chief Information Officer Chris Kobza, according to OU Daily. The independent, student-produced newspaper noted that the officer position was “vacant since last spring, after David Horton left the university to serve as Penn State’s vice president for information technology and chief information officer.” 

At the University of Mississippi, Rodrigues oversaw the construction of a new data center, and lead the  institution in strategic digital transformation services, OU Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Matt Brockwell said in the Sept. 13 announcement. “We are confident that his focused, forward-looking vision will be transformative to not only OU IT, but also to the collective advancement of our university,” he said. 

Before working at the University of Mississippi, Rodrigues served as the assistant vice president and chief technology officer at Michigan State University and was the director of IT and chief information security officer at Bronson Healthcare.

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Rodriques is affiliated with Cisco Higher Education Advisory Council, the SAP Higher Education Research Advisory Council and the chief information officer of Visions Steering Committee. He holds a Ph.D. in Education from the University of Mississippi, an MBA from Michigan State University, and a Bachelor of Applied Science from Davenport University.

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