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Political Strategist Punya Krishnappa Joins Uber as Manager of Federal Campaigns

Political Strategist Punya Krishnappa Joins Uber as Manager of Federal Campaigns

  • A deputy national field director at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, she was the Director of States for Michelle Obamaā€™s When We All Vote initiative.

Uber has named political strategist and advocacy professional Punya Krishnappa as manager for federal campaigns. In a LinkedIn post, C.R. Wooters, head of Federal Affairs at Uber wrote that the growing Uber Federal team is pleased to add Krishnappa and Erin Reif, who are ā€œrockstars and we are lucky to get to work with them.ā€

Krishnappa most recently served as a senior strategist for Baltimore tech entrepreneur Michael Rosenbaumā€™s Maryland gubernatorial campaign. A deputy national field director at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, she was the Director of States for Michelle Obamaā€™s When We All Vote initiative.

She has also worked for President Obamaā€™s White House campaigns and for Hillary Clintonā€™s 2016 presidential campaign. At DCCC, Krishnappa, who is trained in communications, digital, research and field tactics, ran the largest and earliest field investment program in the committeeā€™s history.

She graduated from Bradley University in 2011with a BA in Public Relations, Advertising and Applied Communications.

In an article titled ā€œI Found My Voice Hereā€ in Bradley magazine, Krishnappa wrote that when she started at Bradley in the fall of 2007, she had ā€œevery intention of being the next Christiane Amanpour.ā€ However, she credits her experience at the university for her entry into the political world. ā€œIt started that same fall when Anna Ruch ā€™10 asked me to volunteer for a trip to Iowa,ā€ she writes, adding how she ā€went from knocking on doors on weekends in Cedar Rapids for then-Sen. Barack Obama to organize trips to Missouri, Wisconsin and Indiana.ā€ She eventually took the fall semester of my sophomore year to work for Obama in North Carolina during the general election.

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She said one of her ā€œfondest memoriesā€ is the year she spent in Iowa in 2015 leading up to the start of the 2016 primaries. ā€œA presidential campaign is the political Super Bowl, and working for Sen. Hillary Clinton was inspiring every day. Working with so many talented people was beyond what I could have expected.ā€

After a brief hiatus post-2016 ā€” a year in the hospitality industry ā€” she returned to politics as director of states for Michelle Obamaā€™s civic engagement initiative, When We All Vote. ā€œFocused solely on motivating people to vote, the initiative aimed to change the culture around voting,ā€ Krishnappa wrote in the magazine.

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