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A Weakened Modi Government and the Growing Demographic and Cultural Threat From Anti-India Forces

A Weakened Modi Government and the Growing Demographic and Cultural Threat From Anti-India Forces

  • A Hindu American perspective on India’s current socio-political landscape that is faltering under the weight of growing internal and external pressures.

Over the past decade, India has been on a growth trajectory and admirable economic transformation. However, recent developments, both within the country and on the global stage, have raised significant concerns among those who are vested and closely follow the nation’s progress. For the Indian diaspora in the United States, particularly those involved in Hindu organizations and civil leadership, these developments are not just news bites but represent a sense of deep-rooted civilizational connection. However, in many situations, the decisions by the Government of India, both active and passive, present a suffering of schizophrenia that is often difficult to diagnose, triage, digest, and create actionable plans to take part in the global dialogue about India and the role of the Indian diaspora in its future.

A Shifting Political Landscape

The enthusiasm and vigor that characterized the Indian political landscape for the past ten years have been noticeably dampened following recent elections. The outcome of these elections, particularly at the parliamentary and local levels, has not only deflated the momentum but has also led to a perception of weakened leadership. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, once seen as a strong and decisive leader capable of restoring India’s Hindu ethos, now appears to be faltering under the weight of growing internal and external pressures. His noticeable silence amid increasing internal strife, violence, and heightened activities of anti-national breaking Indian forces is a cause for deep concern among those who hoped for a true Hindu renaissance.

Indian Parliament, which occupies the newly constructed parliamentary building with much pomp and celebration, soon revealed the fault lines in the very foundations of this new symbol of the new India. The building leaked and waterlogged from poor design and construction standards. The newly elected officials of this important legislative body partake in useless emotional and chivalrous diatribes instead of constructive debate and policymaking designed for nation-building. The rise of open calls for violence, the fragmentation of national unity, and the unchecked illegal immigration, particularly in sensitive border areas like Jharkhand, West Bengal, Manipur, and Jammu Kashmir, are troubling signs of a nation under siege.

The Infiltration of Anti-India Forces

One of the most alarming trends is the increasing infiltration of anti-India forces across various states, threatening the very fabric of our ancient Hindu civilization. In states like Assam, West Bengal, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu, there has been a noticeable shift towards coalitions that seem to work against the progress of a united Hindu India. The 95% vote for the I.N.D.I alliance as a voting bloc by the Muslim population is not just a statistic; it’s a clear indication of a demographic threat to India’s Hindu majority and its cultural identity. This strategic disconnect of this voting bloc, along with other regional voting blocs, from the many strategic investments made by the ruling government, shows a deeply concerning pattern of prioritizing religious allegiance over national progress.

Despite a successful G20 summit hosted in Kashmir recently that garnered global buzz for New India, the recent resurgence of terrorist activity in Jammu, fueled by local support, is a stark reminder that the fight for India’s sovereignty is far from over. The situation is further worsened by the lack of a strong, unified response from the government and a clear vision to address these threats.

Infrastructure and Governance: A Reality Check

The recent rains and subsequent flooding have laid bare the dismal state of Indian infrastructure. Despite significant investments in airports, roads, and other visible markers of development, the necessities—plumbing, drainage systems, road quality, and sanitation—remain grossly inadequate. These failures are not just technical or administrative lapses; they are symptomatic of deeper governance issues, and corruption at all levels of the institutions relied on and responsible for the communities they serve.

Foreign Policy and Vishwaguru

The confusion in handling international relations, particularly with Bangladesh, where the Hindu minority faces severe persecution, further exposes the lack of a coherent foreign policy rooted in Hindu values and interests. The silence of major institutions, business houses, and even the entertainment and sports industries on these issues is deafening. It points to a broader disinterest or incapacity to protect India’s most vulnerable Hindu communities, both within and outside its borders. The Indian youth, and specifically the Hindu youth, watching such lapses in credible responses and actions, will face lasting negative consequences for the future of our civilization.

As eloquently said by Mr. Nageshwar Rao, an experienced law enforcement officer: “It must be understood that while Bangladeshi and Rohingya Muslims who illegally enter(ed) India are motivated by demographic invasion to spread their religion, the persecuted Bangladeshi Hindus are refugee seekers. While it is the bounden duty of the BSF to stop the former from entering India including by shooting them dead, they should be discerning about the latter who seek refuge in India. As per Article 33(1) of the 1951 UN Convention on Refugees & as per Chapter 4 of UNHCR Guide to International Refugee Law issued by @Refugees, “States are obliged to respect the principle of non‑refoulement contained in international refugee law and human rights law. That principle establishes that no one shall be returned to a territory where his or her life, physical integrity or freedom would be threatened.” India being a signatory to the 1951 Convention, why is the BSF violating international law and stopping the #BangladeshiHindusInDanger from entering India?

Will the DG of BSF inform the nation that when his force has been guarding the Indo-Bangladesh border since 1965, how could so many Bangladeshi and Rohingya Muslims illegally enter India?

Further, how is it that the BSF becomes “brave” only against the hapless Bangladeshi Hindus, who are trying to escape genocidal persecution and cannot bribe, force, or trick their way through?”

Without such clarity of thought and action by the GOI, the message sent and received by the billion Hindus across the world is one of cowardice and confusion.

The State of Indian Sports: A Metaphor for Cultural Degradation

India’s disappointing performance in the global sports arena is not just a matter of athletic prowess, but a reflection of our departure from the ancient Hindu traditions of physical and mental discipline. With approximately 110 athletes representing a nation of 1.4 billion people, India’s medal placement is disheartening and unworthy of our great civilization. This inferior performance reflects an absence of a nurturing ecosystem for sports and athletics that was once integral to Hindu society.

The lack of encouragement for young athletes in schools and colleges, minimal community support, and the overall disinterest of families in sporting activities are contributing to this crisis. This is not just about winning medals, but rather a call to action in service of the youth of the country that makes up the alleged demographic dividend for the country. An investment in this youth to reap the dividends for the future of India’s youth and the country’s ability to inspire and lead on the global stage is not a luxury but a matter of deeper civilization goal.

The Persistence of Caste Politics

India’s political system continues to be marred by caste-based politics and the manipulation of reservations for short-term gains. This is not only a barrier to national unity but also a sign of leadership that lacks vision in tackling this malaise head-on. The ongoing caste-based factions are not just a relic of the past; they are actively being used to fracture society for political gain and weaken the country from within.

In the realm of intellectual and technological development, India’s dependence on downstream, consumer-based applications rather than original innovation is another cause for concern. The rigorous STEM education in India is increasingly corrupted and diluted by Western-imported ideologies that detract from the nation’s rich intellectual traditions and knowledge systems.

Cultural and Ethical Erosion

The cultural domain is not immune to these challenges. Bollywood is increasingly seen and now working as a tool for anti-Hindu propaganda, fueled by foreign investments and mafia influences. The gullible public, without any ancestral and civilizational identity, is drawn to the glitz and glamour and does not recognize the psychological operations at play, eroding the very values that have defined India for millennia.

The recent scandal involving the IAS (Indian Administrative Services) where officers cheated to gain prestigious positions, has further exposed the deep-rooted corruption within India’s civil services. This corruption is not just an administrative issue but a moral and ethical decay that is undermining the nation’s institutions.

Erosion of Hindu Rights and Traditions

The pseudo-secular behavior of all bodies of government is another source of confusion for the diaspora to discuss with global audiences. The lack of freedom for temples of Hindus to self-regulate and operate but the abundance of freedoms granted to the Abrahamic faiths is a glaring disparity. The loot of autonomy for Hindu education in governmental institutions contrasts sharply with the open encouragement and financial support for other religious institutions. 

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Hindu religious festivities often face burdensome regulations and lack basic security for processions, while other faiths receive preferential treatment. The governmental support for pilgrimage and salaries for religious heads in the Abrahamic faiths stands in stark contrast to the glaring discrimination against the religious figures and caretakers of Hindu temples and pilgrims. These are just a few examples that are difficult to justify and explain to a global audience.

This erosion of Hindu rights under the guise of secularism not only undermines the cultural fabric of India but also poses significant challenges in presenting India’s policies to the international community. The double standards in religious freedoms and governmental support create a narrative of systemic bias against Hinduism in its own homeland, a situation that demands immediate attention and rectification to preserve India’s Hindu cultural heritage and ensure true equality for all faiths.

National Security and General Law and Order

The lack of decisive action in matters of national security and law and order is not just a political failure, but a betrayal of the Hindu principle of Kshatriya dharma — the duty to protect. The recent uptick in terrorism-related killings of Indian armed forces demands a response that echoes the strength of our ancient warrior traditions. The absence of such decisive leadership at the site of terror is a squandered opportunity to unite the country under the banner of Hindu righteousness and valor.

It is a fundamental right of every citizen of any country to feel safe and protected. This above all represents the solemn duty of any government. However, the often-deafening silence by the GOI and the opposition on many situations of national security and local law and order is bizarre. The recent uptick in terrorism-related killings of Indian armed forces is a troubling example. It often invokes the memory and moment when George Bush stood in NYC with a bullhorn and addressed the country and the world with strength and courage. The absence of such decisive leadership at the site of terror is a squandered opportunity to unite the country. Israel is another example of strong leadership in the face of similar and unrelenting terror threats and attacks. 

Such lack of decisive clarity and leadership is further exacerbated by the judiciary which often seems to be at odds with its core duty as an independent governmental body. Many decisions and justifications rendered by the Supreme Court and many regional high courts undermine national security and Hindu interests.

A Call to Action

As we witness these troubling developments, it is imperative for the Indian diaspora, particularly those in positions of influence in the United States, to take a stand. We must advocate for stronger, more decisive leadership in India so that one can navigate these challenges with clarity and purpose. We must also support efforts to protect India’s cultural and intellectual heritage, foster original thought, and inspire the next generation of Indians, both in India and abroad.

The time to act is now. The forces that seek to divide and weaken India are gaining ground, and it is our collective responsibility to ensure that the nation stays on its path of progress and unity. Let us come together, as a community, to support India’s future and ensure that the values and principles that have guided us for centuries continue to shape the nation’s destiny.


As we stand at this critical juncture, India’s future hangs in the balance. The challenges we face are not just political or economic, but existential threats to our ancient civilization. It is time for a true awakening, a return to the values and principles that have guided our people for millennia. Only by embracing our ancient and core identity and heritage can we hope to overcome these challenges and restore India to its rightful place. Before any aspirations for the role of a Vishwaguru, the first call to duty is to put the India house in order. 

Shashi Kusuma M.D. is a practicing Plastic Surgeon in Fort Lauderdale and Boca Raton, FL.  He is an active member of the Hindu American Foundation and a co-founder of the Hindu American PAC of Florida. 

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