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I Choose to Recognize the Many Blessings of COVID-19

I Choose to Recognize the Many Blessings of COVID-19

Perspective guides perception. I have always been a firm believer in this idea, and now, as a senior studying at West Windsor Plainsboro High School North, this very concept has never been more applicable towards both my social and academic life than it is today. 

In the case of my schooling district, students among all grade levels have felt the heavy impact that coronavirus continues to have on the local community. From having to put elaborate events such as prom as well as school wide talent and dance shows on hold indefinitely, to cancelling the highly anticipated senior class trip to Disney World, the district’s administration has had to make difficult decisions to ensure the safety of both students and faculty. 

The entire process of both high school graduation and the transition into college for current seniors has been left in a state of incertitude. For the majority of the incoming freshman class entering college during Fall of 2020, decisions regarding housing and virtual classes are yet to be made clear. 

Although it’s easy to analyze the current state of affairs by only looking at its sheer impact on my own life, I know how important the idea of understanding a different perspective can be on my overall morale. 

While I can solely focus on how coronavirus has disrupted the end of the academic year, I choose to recognize the many blessings around me. 

I feel lucky to have a roof over my head, surrounded by a safe and healthy family with more than enough food to go around in this time of uncertainty. In my opinion, it’s essential to alter your point of view regarding the current situation in order to recognize the many positives in life right now. By thinking from the perspective of those who have suffered devastating losses of family members and friends at the hands of this expanding virus, I perceive my own situation as incredibly fortunate rather than hapless. 

In fact, rather than focusing on the bleak aspects of quarantine, I’m doing my best to keep both my mind and body healthy during this time. I do my best to stay active, keeping up with an active fitness regimen while eating to stay healthy. I’ve also taken the abundance of free time that I have been given to expand on my hobbies and interests. From cooking meals of all sorts to creating media content, I try to do anything and everything to keep myself busy. 

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Finally, I strongly believe that those who are sheltered and healthy have the responsibility to do their part in mitigating the spread of this virus. While each student within my grade has felt the force of coronavirus on our social lives, we are also incredibly aware of the values behind cooperation and support, which are not only applicable for my local town, but the entirety of the international community. 

In any global crisis, a path to a safer future is only achieved through a collaborative and efficient process, which- in the case of coronavirus- begins with a uniformly practiced system of social distancing. 

Aman Anand is a senior  at West Windsor Plainsboro High School NorthWest in Plainsboro, New Jersey. He will be attending Ohio State University this fall. 

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