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5 Funny Things Indian Parents in America Can Relate To

5 Funny Things Indian Parents in America Can Relate To

If thereā€™s anything thatā€™s universal in this world, itā€™s parenting.

No matter your culture, background, or family dynamic, parenting woes transcend.

As a standup comedian, I try to get all of my parenting guidance exclusively from other comics (seems right), so I put together 5 of my favorite comedy videos about relatable parenting moments.

1. Maz Jobraniā€™s Funny Take On Parenting Goals
Maz gets it right when he points out that our only goal as parents is to make our kids exhausted. But no matter what we do, they never want to sleep!

2. My Take On The Scariest Bully of Them All: An Indian Aunty
I wish I had bullies when I was a kidā€¦instead, I had scary Indian aunties. Much worse. (BTW, if you want to see my full comedy set, scroll to the bottom of this post!)

3. Russell Peters Sometimes Wishes He Had Encouraging White Parents
Russell Peters nails it when he talks about the different choices Indian parents and white parents make.

See Also

4. Sindhu Veeā€™s Indian Parenting Dilemma: My Child Has Joined A Gang
Fellow brown comedian aunty Sindhu Vee has some amazing anecdotes about her troubles with disciplining her kids.

5. Cristela Alonzo Knows What Itā€™s Like To Have Outspoken Immigrant Parents
Cristela Alonzo grew up with an immigrant mom and she was brutally honestā€¦as only an immigrant mom can be.

Zarna Garg is a mom and lawyer turned award-winning screenwriter and stand-up comedian, highlighting the immigrant and American experience with her own signature style. Zarna has recently taken TikTok by storm, with her latest comedy videos gaining more than 13 million views and counting! Her debut romantic comedy screenplay ā€œRearrangedā€ won the Best Comedy Screenplay Award at the 2019 Austin Film Festival (placing #1 out of 11,000 scripts), and was also a 2019 Academy Nicholl Fellowships Semi-Finalist. The script has been optioned by Marginal Mediaworks.

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