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Indian Man Killed in Robbery Shooting Incident at Convenience Store in Dallas

Indian Man Killed in Robbery Shooting Incident at Convenience Store in Dallas

  • Dasari Gopikrishna, 32, who worked at the store, was at the counter on June 21 when and unidentified assailant entered the store and opened fire.

An Indian man was killed last week in a shooting at a convenience store in Dallas, Texas. Dasari Gopikrishna, 32, who worked at the store, was at the counter on June 21 when and unidentified assailant entered the store and opened fire. CCTV video showed the gunman shooting Gopikrishna, who was seen collapsing on the spot. The assailant then jumped over the counter and lifted something from the shelf, according to news reports. 

Gopikrishna was rushed to a nearby hospital. He succumbed to his injuries on June 23 while undergoing treatment. He is survived by his wife and son.

According to reports in Indian media, police arrested the suspected shooter, 44-year-old Travis Eugene Posey. He was taken to jail and is facing capital murder charges.

Originally fom Yajali village in Bapatla, Andhra Pradesh, Gopikrishna completed his BTech from Bapatla Engineering College seven years ago, according to reports in Indian media. He had been working as a software engineer for a Hyderabad-based company before heading to the U.S. eight months ago, and was working part time at the convenience store until he could find a good job in his field.

His father  D Srinivas told Indian Express that he sold his one-acre field to fund his son’s travel to the U.S. He said his son had gone abroad “to find work so that his family can have a better life here.” He said the family is unable “to comprehend how his life has been snuffed out in cold blood.”

Srinivas said his son got  married three years ago. “He wanted to settle down and do well so that he could provide a better life for his wife and son,” he told 

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The Consulate General of India, Houston offered condolences to Gopikrishna’s family, and added that along with the support of Indian associations, it is “providing all possible assistance to facilitate the repatriation of Gopikrishna’s body to India following local formalities, including autopsy and death certificates.”

Consul General D C Manjunath, who was in Dallas for a Yoga Day event on June 23 confirmed to the Press Trust of India that the incident was unrelated to a shooting in Arkansas as previously reported by various sources. 

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