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Indian American Tech Executive Dies a Few Days After He Was Assaulted Outside a D.C. Restaurant 

Indian American Tech Executive Dies a Few Days After He Was Assaulted Outside a D.C. Restaurant 

  • Vivek Taneja, 41, president and co-founder of Dynamo Technologies in Virginia got into an argument with a man before the dispute turned physical.

Indian American tech executive Vivek Taneja of Virginia died almost a week after he was assaulted outside a restaurant in downtown D.C. The 41-year-old got into an argument with a man before the dispute turned physical. He was “knocked to the ground, smacking his head on the pavement,” WUSA9 reported, citing the preliminary investigation. 

He was found on the pavement outside Shoto Restaurant around 2 a.m. on Feb. 2 by authorities responding to a report of an assault. He was rushed to the hospital with serious injuries. He died on Feb. 7. Police are now investigating the incident as a homicide. 

A preliminary report on the incident issued by the D.C. Metropolitan Police does not say whether Taneja and the man, whom police said they have not identified, encountered each other inside the restaurant. The report also does not describe the nature of the dispute.

The suspect, whose identity remains undisclosed, was captured on CCTV footage, prompting a search effort by authorities. A reward of $25,000 has been offered by the police for any information leading to the arrest and conviction of the suspect.

See Also

Taneja was the president and co-founder of Dynamo Technologies. He graduated of the University of Virginia, George Mason University and George Washington University.

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