I Can Cautiously Add Nidhi Thakur to the List of Illustrious Who’s Who of Indian American Literature

The genre of Indian Americans writing stories about their lives in countries they have made…

Ukraine v Gaza: The Galling Hypocrisy and Double Standards of the West-dominated International Order

As all of us grapple with the inequality and injustice stemming from modern repetitions of…

In Defense of Narendra Modi: Indian Americans Strive to Educate Americans and Their Media

Five Indian American Angelenos gathered at the request of a reporter earlier this year at…

Amitav Ghosh’s ‘Smoke and Ashes’ is An Excursion Into the Making of the Wealth of Nations

At the South Asian Literature and Arts festival in Menlo Park, California, late last year,…

Flying Back to Bengaluru in Bharat to Participate in the World’s Largest Festival of Democracy

Amidst the bustling city of Bengaluru, I had the euphoric experience of participating in what…

How American Campus Uprisings are Fueling Global Solidarity With Pro-Palestinian Movement

The luminescent rainbow sparks of the spontaneous, eclectic and sublime fire of youthful rebellion has…

‘Zone of Interest’: We Can Critically Debate Geopolitics, But Can We Agree That Innocent People Should Not Die?

I’ve been putting off watching Jonathan Glazer’s “Zone of Interest” because of how real it…

From Tinder to Bumble and Beyond: What I Learned From Dabbling in Dating Algorithms and the App World

“Did you know he’s already married with two kids?” “What? No way!” “Yeah, he’s a…

‘Holi Against Hindutva’: A Cautionary Tale Against Appropriation of Hindu Festivals for Political Purposes

The festival of Holi – also known as Phagwa in Bhojpuri-speaking and Hindu Caribbean communities…

Restaurant Review: Celebrating My Birthday Weekend During SanDai’s First Anniversary in Walnut Creek, Calif.

I recently celebrated my birthday weekend at Kopi Bar and SanDai, which coincided with its…

Remember Hind Rajab: From Gaza to Columbia, the Spirit of Vietnam Lives On

“Give Flowers to the Rebels who Failed!”(Graffiti, Sorbonne. France. May 1968, students’ uprising.) It’s just…

Comedy of Errors: ’Laapataa Ladies’ Struggles With Caste Dynamics in Its Depiction of Village Life in India

“Laapataa Ladies” (Lost Ladies) is set in the fictional Indian state of Nirmal Pradesh, where…