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Texas Gov. Greg Abbot Appoints Indian American Technology Executive Abidali ‘Abid’ Neemuchwala to OneStar Foundation

Texas Gov. Greg Abbot Appoints Indian American Technology Executive Abidali ‘Abid’ Neemuchwala to OneStar Foundation

  • He is the co-founder and director of Dallas Venture Capital (DVC) and chairman of technology solutions provider AXISCADES Inc.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Abidali “Abid” Neemuchwala of Little Elm to the OneStar Foundation for terms set to expire on March 15, 2027. The OneStar Foundation provides technical assistance, education, information, and other support to Texas’ extensive volunteer community and works to improve and strengthen the state’s volunteerism and community service infrastructure. 

Abbott also reappointed Michael Parker and Robert G. “Bob” Wright, II to the foundation.

A technology executive and investor, Neemuchwala is co-founder and director of Dallas Venture Capital (DVC) and chairman of technology solutions provider AXISCADES Inc. Before DVC, he was chief executive officer and managing director of Wipro Limited, overseeing $8 billion in revenue and more than 180,000 employees serving clients across six continents. 

“His passion for nurturing innovation, mentoring startups and celebrating entrepreneurship roots back to stewarding Wipro Ventures, the strategic investment arm of Wipro Limited that raised $100 million in 2015 and $150 million in 2020, according to his DVC profile. 

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He received a bachelor’s degree in electronics and communication from the National Institute of Technology, Raipur, and a master’s degree in industrial management from the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. He enjoys traveling, Indian music, reading fiction, and chess. He is equally passionate about the community and his family and lives with his wife and three children in Dallas, Texas. He serves on the World Affairs Council of Dallas Ft. Worth board and the Texas Economic Development Corporation.

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