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Indra Nooyi to Receive Honorary Doctorate Degree From Hult International Business School

Indra Nooyi to Receive Honorary Doctorate Degree From Hult International Business School

  • The honor is given each year to individuals who embody the school’s mission of making an impact that matters and inspiring others to do the same.

Indra Nooyi, former CEO of PepsiCo, will be awarded Honorary Doctorate Degrees by the Hult International Business School for her “outsized impact in their respective industries, as well as their commitment to innovation and purpose-driven leadership,” the private business school announced May 7. Tim Brown, chair of IDEO and design thinking innovator, will also be honored along with Nooyi. They will accept this year’s awards during Hult’s global graduation ceremonies in August 2024.

“We are proud to award those who exemplify what we teach and believe to be true: business leadership requires not just intelligence and vision, but a desire to use business as a platform to make the world a better place,” said Hult President Matt Lilley.

In a statement, Nooyi, who is “a lifelong proponent of the importance of education,” said she’s “thrilled” to receive the honor. “Having spent a career in business where I saw first-hand the impact of things like collaboration, innovation, learning by doing, shared purpose, and diversity of thought and perspectives, I am optimistic that students learning these skills today will become our strong, globally focused leaders of tomorrow. Thank you for this honor.”

Nooyi ran PepsiCo, Inc. for more than two decades, serving as chair and CEO of the company from 2006 to 2018. She has consistently been named one of the world’s most powerful people by Forbes, Fortune, and Time magazine. While at PepsiCo, she also led the Performance with a Purpose strategy, which prioritized environmental and societal needs alongside financial and organizational growth.

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Each year, the Hult Honorary Doctorate Degree is given to individuals who embody Hult’s mission of making an impact that matters and inspiring others to do the same. In 2023, inaugural degree recipients included former Unilever CEO and sustainability pioneer Paul Polman and technology innovator, entrepreneur, and AI futurist Azeem Azhar.

(Top photo, courtesy of World Economic Forum.)

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