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Indian American Madan Annavarjula Named Dean of UMass Dartmouth’s Charlton College of Business

Indian American Madan Annavarjula Named Dean of UMass Dartmouth’s Charlton College of Business

  • He most recently served as the dean of the College of Business and Professor of International Business at Bryant University.

Madan Annavarjula has been named the next dean of UMass Dartmouth’s Charlton College of Business effective Sept. 1. The Indian American most recently served as the dean of the College of Business and Professor of International Business at Bryant University. 

As dean at Bryan,  he was responsible for “strategic planning, curriculum development, faculty management, and day-to-day administration of the College of Business,” a UMass Dartmouth press release said. He worked with faculty and alumni to launch several undergraduate and graduate programs.

“In our ongoing commitment to excellence, I am pleased to add another world-class dean to the campus leadership,” said UMass Dartmouth Provost Ramprasad Balasubramanian. “Dr. Madan Annavarjula brings a wealth of experience, leadership, and vision to this role, making him an exceptional choice to guide our Charlton College of Business into the future.” He described the new dean as someone who is “passionate about fostering entrepreneurship, integrating emerging technologies into the curriculum, expanding global partnerships, and building cutting-edge interdisciplinary programs.”

In a statement, Annavarjula called UMass Dartmouth “a treasure trove of opportunities in terms of interdisciplinary programs, cutting edge research and innovative curriculum.” He said he’s ”excited at the opportunity” and “to participate in fostering experiential learning opportunities, growing market-driven academic programs and build excellent outcomes for our students.”

Annavarjula was the recipient of the Excellence in Teaching Award at Bryant in 2010, the Outstanding Service Award in 2011, the Bryant Alumni Award for Excellence in 2013, and the Outstanding International Educator of the Year Award presented by North American Small Business International Trade Educators (NASBITE) in 2018. 

His current research interests include technology strategies of multinational corporations and pedagogical issues in International Business education. His research has been published in several scholarly journals, and he has presented his work at national and international conferences. 

See Also

He earned his PhD in International Business at the Fox School of Business, Temple University.

(Top photo, Madan Annavarjula/Facebook).

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