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Indian American Man Arrested for Allegedly Murdering Partner in California’s Bay Area

Indian American Man Arrested for Allegedly Murdering Partner in California’s Bay Area

  • Krishan Sharma, 38, was out on bail when he is believed to have fatally shot a woman he was in a relationship with.

An Indian American man has been arrested for allegedly fatally shooting his partner in Fremont this past weekend. Police identified Krishan Sharma, 38, of Hayward, as a suspect after a woman was found dead from a gunshot wound on July 20 night, according to a Fremont Police Department press release. 

Sharma was located two days after the incident “after a short vehicle pursuit, and was taken into custody without incident.” Police are holding Sharma on suspicion of murder and for being a convicted felon in possession of a firearm. 

There is a separate case against Sharma where he’s charged with attempted murder and assault with a semi-automatic firearm. He was out of custody on bail for that criminal case when the homicide in Fremont occurred. The criminal case against him will be presented to the Alameda County District Attorney’s Office in the coming days, police said. 

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The name of the woman who died in the shooting was not immediately available.

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